Koryo Saram photos for publication
- please
read for descriptions and credit lines |
click on a photo to download - check sizes, some photos
are very large
All photos are part of the Archive of
Korean Diaspora at the University of Michigan Center for Korean Studies.
Some of these photos are frame grabs, the resolution will
be 300ppi at approximately 3 inches wide.
10-group49366.tif –
11-Koreanfamily.tif – A Korean family in Far East Russia c. 1930
12-partisans5.tif –
13-train_route_map.jpg – The probable route of the deportation.
14-ushtobe_hill.jpg – The hillside called “Bastobe” where many Koreans
spent two harsh winters in the open, digging holes in the ground for
homes. Photo by Y. David Chung.
15-mountainside.jpg – The open steppe country in winter in Kazakhstan.
Photo by Y. David Chung.
16-wedding-bride.jpg – A Korean-Kazakh wedding couple, 2004. Photo
by Y. David Chung.
17-crew.jpg – Meredith Woo, Zarina Akisheva and Matt Dibble on location
in Kazakhstan. Photo by Y. David Chung.
18-gkim&ydchung.jpg – German Kim and Y. David Chung. Photo by Matt
19-train-matt.jpg – Matt Dibble shooting along the deportation route.
Photo by Y. David Chung.
Please contact Y. David Chung at davchung@umich.edu for
any further information.
Credit Lines:
For all photos - please use - © Koryo Saram The Unreliable People
Acknowledgements -
Photos 01 - 05 - Still frames from "Kolkhoze
Avant Garde", a 1946 Soviet film about a Korean collective
farm -
The Central State Archive for Photography and Film Documents of
the Republic of Kazakhstan

01-avantgarde_farmers -248KB
photo description -
Farmers at a Soviet collective farm in Kazakhstan, 1946. |

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A man at a Soviet collective farm in Kazakhstan, 1946.

03-avantgardeman-hat-912 KB
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Kim Man San at a Soviet collective farm in Kazakhstan, 1946. |

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A woman at a Soviet collective farm in Kazakhstan, 1946. |

photo description -
A woman at a Soviet collective farm in Kazakhstan, 1946.
Dekabrina Kim, a deportation survivor. |
Dekabrina Kim in her kitchen in Almaty, KZ. |
The 7th All Union Party Congress, Moscow. Mikhail M.
Kim, a delegate from the Far East Russia, is seated in front of Joseph
Stalin and next to Molotov. Mikhail M. Kim was Dekabrina's father. |

A group of Koreans in Far East Russia c. 1930 |
Hum Bung Do and his family. c 1930.
Korean partisans in Far East Russia c. 1925 |

photo description - The 4000 mile route of the deportation from Far
East Russia to Central Asia © 2007 Chung & Woo |
14-ushtobehill-1.9MB |
17-vladimir_ten.tif-1.4 mb
3" x 1.76" 300ppi

18-gkim-dchung-ushtobe-132KB |

19-train-matt-672KB |

20 - ydavidchung.jpg -
3.3 in x 5 in at 300ppi